Rambles, update and organising:
So believe it or not I'm actually uploading my second blog post of the month, yippee! I mean I know it's not that much of an achievement really as I know bloggers that upload pretty much daily; it's a mile better than my a month between 'routine' and I'm proud of myself that I've managed to sit down, write this and actually try and stick to some sort of schedule of uploading.
It's been beyond hectic these last few weeks, as I mentioned in my last post we've just moved. And being completely honest I forgot how much work it is, I don't remember having this much stuff when we moved into our old place. The storage where we've moved is pretty pants, so there's still stuff we need to find a home for, still stuff that we need to sell, or throw out; let's hope everything is organised soon? We're still waiting for and needing to buy some new furniture - finding the perfect pieces for our house. I just wish that we could've moved in and everything would have been ready for us, packed nicely and neatly away, organised exactly how we want it; but back to reality unless your a millionaire I don't think those thing's happen.
These are by far my favourite posts to write, I feel although I'm actually sat down in my lounge, with a nice glass of orange juice (I don't drink tea or coffee, unless there iced!) with some snacks, talking face to face with you. Like you would with friends or family you know, have a catch up. That's what it feels like - I love my other posts, but these truly feel like my most interactive. Hopefully you understand what I mean, if not...well, my only other reason would be that I love to have a natter!
Moving on I've recently told you lovely lot about the birthday preparation taking place for Evangeline's 1st birthday party. I truly feel like I'm being a bit to organised as her birthday is roughly 15 weeks away, give or take a few days - but I guess you can never be to prepared right? We've actually now received the crown she will be wearing at her party, which I will insert a picture of - it was made by a lovely page on Instagram prettybowbaby (if you click on the name, it'll take you to her page!). So not only have we received her crown, we've now ordered her dress so we should receive that shortly we just need to order 1 item to complete the outfit; we've found someone to make her cake they have our ideas so we hope that they can make it come to life! keep your fingers crossed!
I think we're going to make her cake smash cake, but who knows - I'm still not 100% sure what sort of cake we want for that? most likely something simple as Evangeline will probably destroy it haha!
I know I said in my previous post I was going to hold back from ordering a lot as I didn't want any of it to get ruined but I just can't help myself; I love to be organised. Her balloons have been ordered, well some of them, the main ones that keep selling out...we are just waiting for a few more, before we purchase all the rest! Going back to her cake smash we are on the hunt for a perfect outfit, but I think we've found it... a lovely little romper with lace and different details. I'm pretty sure this will be a hot topic for the next few months or more, mainly because I like to update you, make you feel involved, if only all of you could come to her party! Perhaps in the future I'll do a post talking about everything we're planning, themes and everything, I'm just not ready to spill the beans just yet!
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Evangeline's birthday crown, it's so pretty. |
I find it a little bizarre how long it actually takes me to write posts nowadays, come up with ideas and things I want to talk about. I have time in the evenings or just before bed, and of course whilst Evangeline naps. But a majority of the time I would much rather sit cuddling Evie - she's growing up so quickly so I'm trying to soak up every moment of her being little. I sit giving her a cuddle, having a mooch on online shops and catch up on whatever I've missed on the telly... so I do have plenty of time, but as I said I find it so much harder than I used to, to actually come up with something to talk to you about, I don't really want to constantly repeat myself and bore you - I just struggle with the inspiration at the moment, I have no clue as to why? bloggers block maybe?
I do have a few posts that are completely different to what I would usually upload, a few beauty ones - I hope you like them! one being 'My go to makeup" or 'My favourite makeup'. I hope I get around to finishing and put them up soon, but I guess we'll have to wait and see whether I manage to stick to a sort of routine, I'm trying my best, I always do. There will also be a few other blog posts I can't wait to share with you soon - very exciting if I do say so myself!
I was thinking about doing a post talking about my mummy must haves? but I'm not to sure, well I say doing I really mean finishing, its currently sat in my draft box waiting to be finished; I just don't know how I feel about it? maybe I'll go back and have a read through it, see if I can tweak anything to make me like it more? Ironically I have quite a few posts sitting in my drafts waiting for the day they are finally published onto here, although I doubt many of them will - but hey who knows?
The weather has been magnificent here, its really starting to feel like spring, I'm excited for the warmer weather; not going to lie I'm not a huge fan of hot weather but not having to wear a coat, being able to wear pretty sandals is what I love; so I'm excited for that. I think this is possibly the longest post I've written in a few months? and boy does it feel great to have a huge ramble, a good old natter. I think thats all for now though, of course unless I think of something else when I come to proof read this; however as of this exact second I am going to end this post here. I truly hope you've enjoyed reading this, having a chat with me. I hope your all having a grand old day.