'We couldn't be happier, we are absolutely over the moon............. we're beyond grateful!'
Hello, so it's becoming a theme that I only really upload the odd 'chit-chat' posts. Well, being completely honest they kind of fill the majority of my blog. But today's post is an exciting one, well it is in my opinion - hopefully you agree!? I think I'm going to pop in a little update to.
Complete side note, I don't think I've actually mentioned this on here yet? But my blog has been running for over a year now!! For those of you wondering I first set up my blog over on the website 'wordpress' last April, Monday 4th April 2016 to be precise. And it's all ready been a whole year!? - well just over..... Although as you know I moved my blog over to here a few months later. I started my blog as an online diary, I never really intended for it to come as far as what it has, I've had fantastic opportunities, worked with some amazing companies and enjoyed every second. I was so reluctant to start my blog, and I think it took me around 3 months to finally take the plunge; and boy am I glad I did. No, I'm not the best writer, haven't got the most amazing, interesting posts - but they seem to attract so many different people, its crazy to me, to see that there are people reading my blog from Australia! Even though I haven't really been that dedicated to posting and uploading on here recently, and well I've kind of neglected it for around 6 months, posting the odd thing here and there. I truly intend to improve and stick to some sort of upload schedule - I would love to keep my blog going for as long a possible, and hope I can. But I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for taking your time to support my blog, it means ever so much.
Moving on to the reason your actually reading this......the exciting news. If you don't follow my Instagram, your probably thinking 'Well stop rambling and tell us the news!' so I'm not going to keep waffling and go into detail about everything after...........
"I never realised just how nervous I'd feel about posting this, I know there can be some very judgmental, nasty people - but please keep negative opinions to yourself.
I'd like to announce that our family will welcoming a new addition in October and we couldn't be happier, we are absolutely over the moon. It's much sooner than we anticipated and we recieved quite the shock as we thought we'd have difficulty concieving again, but we're beyond grateful. Evangeline truly will be the best big sister."
We're expecting baby number 2 in October. We are thrilled, beyond grateful and we're very excited. As I mentioned we thought it would take much longer due to the issues I have with my ovaries and womb, it took around 7 months, perhaps a little longer and a procedure through a laparoscopy to fall pregnant with my daughter Evangeline; so we were extremely shocked when it took around a month - give or take a few days! and some tablets/vitamins to help us too!
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<3 <3 <3 |
For those of you who are going to ask, we were adviced and informed it would take much longer due to my medical problems and having a csection to conceive; we're very lucky it happened as quick as it did. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that baby number 2 is growing in my tummy! Evangeline will be the best big sister, she's so gentle, friendly, loving, cheeky, playful and I know she'll love being a big sister.
I'm considering doing some pregnancy related posts in the near future but I'm not 100% sure yet? But either way if I do end up doing them, then you'll see them here haha!
So as I said I wanted to do this as a little update to. I don't really have to much to say but, we had our first BBQ in our back garden on Sunday 9th April just us 3, it was lovely; the weather has been amazing so sunny. So Evangeline, Zachary and I have been having lots of little adventures or day trips these past few weekends (when Zachary isn't working), soaking in the sun! Its crazy to think this time next year we'll be a family of 4!!
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I thought I'd post a collage rather then lots of individual pictures haha! I love my little family more than anything! <3 |
Complete change of subject and a little update on our little princess. Evangeline has started pulling herself up onto furniture (with a little help at times) I can't believe how quickly she's growing up! She still hasn't mastered crawling, but being honest she just doesn't want to...she bum shuffles, pulls herself or rolls - she much prefers standing now, so who knows she may walk before she crawls? She still doesn't have any teeth! which to me is rather bizarre, she's being teething now since she was a little over 2 months, so her little tooth-pegs are defiantly talking there time, but better late than never? we can see them in her gums, I guess they just aren't ready to pop threw yet; but I'm pretty sure it won't be long! maybe I'll be telling you all about her teeth making their arrival in my next post?
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Our little princess, I had to print screen this from my Instagram, as it wasn't watermarked on my phone haha! if you don't already follow me and you'd like to my username is - dons_steph <3 |
We've been looking at some prams and cars this last month, finding the perfect one for our growing family. I think we've settled on the 'iCandy Peach' - I'll insert a picture. We did look into the 'Bugaboo Donkey' but I don't like how wide it is being completely honest; so the icandy I think it is... but I'll go into further detail in a different post. And perhaps I'll do a car update in that post to haha!
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**Picture from google.* This is the icandy peach, but we would be buying it in black :) |
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