
Friday, 12 May 2017

My first trimester - 2nd pregnancy

Baby no2.

Our Baby No.2 <3

I mentioned previously that I'd be uploading a few pregnancy related posts, I thought a good place to start would be talking about my first trimester - I've not done a post like this before, I popped my pregnancy updates with Evangeline in all of my chit-chat type of posts, but I thought I'd try discussing it on 2 or 3 posts in one place rather than in lots of different places. Hopefully that makes sense?! 

Ironically I'm writing this post a little later than I originally planned, I was hoping to have it written and uploaded the last week of my 1st trimester but that didn't happen, I'm now in fact just over 2 weeks into my 2nd trimester; but I guess any post is better late than never, right? To make it a little more interesting I thought I'd throw in a few little comparisons with my pregnancy with Evangeline... or at least I feel it'll be more interesting haha! 

Anyway, I'm rambling so on with the post!....

Rewinding to back when I found out that we are expecting baby no2, the day we found out our little princess Evangeline is going to be a big sister. Valentines day, we had just been out as a family to Wagamamas by far my favvvvvv restaurant, and had to pop into B&M.... I can't remember why, I think it was to pick a neck pillow? sounds familiar but honestly I can't really remember haha. Nevertheless, we popped into B&M - at this point I think I was around 4 or 5 days late for my period (putting it bluntly haha) so just on a whim we decided to pick up a few boxes of tests, as we were trying for baby no2 and you never no when you need a test! We arrived home at 8pm and I done the test, and boom - within seconds the test had come back positive, I didn't believe it so I sent Zachary to Sainsbury to pick up a digital, which revealed I was roughly 4 weeks. I was in utter shock as I hadn't had ANY symptoms what so ever! 

Moving away from finding out and moving onto symptoms... I had none, not one. Other than cramping, which I have every time I have a cycle I had nothing out of the ordinary; however when I was pregnant with Evangeline I was extremely nauseous, boobs were sore, cramping, bad skin all the usual - so kind of had a hunch, but nothing at all this time. I;m lucky really as I've heard some horror stories about women who are sick 30+ times a day, my sister had morning sickness so I've witnessed it first hand, and boy am I glad I haven't had it; I hate being sick!

I had my first scan at 5-6 weeks due to being high risk for ectopic pregnancies, another at 7-8 weeks to check on baby and of course my 12 week scan. I had 4 scans in my 1st trimester with Evie. We actually have a scan booked for the 6th May to find out baby no.2's gender - I'm soooooooooo stinking excited; but I'll possibly talk about that in another post.

I've had 1 midwife appointment in my first trimester, a few doctors and consultant appointments, medication starting all over again and of course blood tests. But I can't complain, because I'd do these things daily if it means my children are healthy. :) 

But thats it really, I had a feeling this post would be a quick one, but truth is I don't have to much to say, maybe future updates will be longer? Either way I hope you've enjoyed reading this, having a bit more information on baby no.2, and I'll talk to you in my next post.

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