
Wednesday, 27 July 2016

My top tips

My top tips:

I look awful, but a picture during my c-section.

I wanted to do a post highlighting my top-tips for mummies undergoing a caesarean – some of these tips could also apply to other methods of delivery too; I have written these tips based on my own c-section experience and advice I was given, hope that you find them helpful! 

·      Prepare yourself mentally!

Whether it’s talking to your doctor, midwife, friends or family don’t be shy when it comes to asking what to expect throughout your surgery and recovery. Theres nothing worse than feeling unprepared or uninformed about the procedure your about to undergo, and in fact if it is your first time having a caesarean the unknown can make the whole experience feel extremely daunting and not to mention intimidating. So don’t be nervous about asking what to expect: what you’ll here, what you’ll feel during the surgery and what is likely to happen after - receiving information on what will take place on the day of your delivery can create a more relaxed environment for yourself and your birthing partner. 

·      Take loads of pictures:

Taking pictures before, during and after your delivery is a great way to remember the day your baby was born; and are great to look back on in the future. 
Typically for c-section mummies the medication you are given can have a major effect on your memory, your memory may be very faint so trying to remember what happened post surgery can sometimes be incredibly difficult (or at least is was for me) – so all the pictures that are taken of your little ones arrival can help you to piece everything together! So whether it’s your birthing partner or the theatre team holding the camera, be sure to take tones of pictures!

·      Keep your hospital wardrobe comfy:

This tip for me is one of the most important – especially is your having a caesarian! Ensure that you pack clothing that is comfy into your hospital bag - items that are not going to irritate your incision, try and keep your clothing loose; for example my outfit of choice - maternity leggings, because without a bump they have a high waist band, so therefore steering clear of my wound and a maternity top – which was nice and baggy, so again it wasn’t restricting or irritating to my scar; glamourous right? haha.
I would recommend that you pack larger underwear ‘full briefs’ or caesarian knickers this is because they don't sit along the incision line rubbing and causing irritation.

·      Don’t be hard on yourself - take time to recover:

This tip speaks for itself don’t be hard on yourself! You’ve just had or are going to have major surgery, so don't put to much pressure on yourself! No one recovers at the same speed; so if it takes longer for you to be up and about, or you require more pain relief; then so be it – just remember to take it easy!

·      Get up and walk:

When the time comes, get up and walk! Try to walk frequently, even if it’s a few laps around your ward or hospital a day, or even to the bathroom – either way it’s a major achievement! For me walking made me feel ‘normal’ again, after being immobile for so long, once I had finally managed to climb up out of bed I was finally able to tend to my daughter!!

·      Don’t be afraid to ask for help:

Asking for help can strongly aid your recovery, whether its asking someone to help you to the bathroom, into the shower or to simply tie your shoe; don't be afraid to ask friends, family or your partner for help – don’t over do it, you’ve just had major surgery. Take the time to recover and enjoy your baby!

I hope you found my tips helpful! 

Friday, 22 July 2016

Our first few weeks:

Evangeline Rose Holmes:

Our beautiful baby girl <3<3<3

It’s July 21st, Evie’s 2 weeks old today. I cant believe how fast these last few weeks have flown by, it feels almost as if I’ve blinked the days away; it seems like just yesterday myself and Zachary were heading to the hospital along side my mum, for my caesarian and to finally meet her, after waiting 39 long weeks – and she's already 2 weeks old!

I never believed people when they said time goes fast once your baby is born; purely because my pregnancy felt like it lasted forever – but honestly now I know just what they mean, and just how quickly the days shoot by.

Becoming a mummy is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I cannot begin to put into words just how much I love her and how proud I am of her. She’s such a happy, loving little girl; she’s perfect and beautiful in every way. If someone had told me 3 years ago that I would be a mummy now, theres not a chance I would’ve ever believed them; I was told that the possibility of having children or conceiving naturally would probably never happen due to problems with my fallopian tubes... and here we are a year on and myself and Zachary have a beautiful daughter and I couldn’t be more in love or more grateful for our little family – they mean more than anything to me.

But anyway, I wanted to sit down and do more of a chit chatty post, talking about pretty much everything on my mind I guess?
Ironically the weather here has been bliss, so sunny – and currently I’m sat at my computer with Evangeline asleep in her mosses basket next to me, looking out the window as I write this; its such a lovely day, birds are chirping – I say birds, I really mean seagullsthe sky is a beautiful shade of blue, and just in general it feels like we’ve finally entered summer.
Blue skies. 

Evangeline, Zachary and I have a photo shoot this weekend, one that my family have very kindly arranged for us – I’m excited, although I don’t look my best, still got a little bit of a baby belly but what do you expect when your only 14 days PP haha, It’ll be nice; pictures of us as a family of 3 that we can add to our home.
I’m considering a major clean out this weekend to, I think its about time I threw away my maternity wardrobe; maybe I’ll sell some of them, the ones with the tags – all those summer items that I bought thinking that it would actually be sunny here, but I was wrong; I mean what did I expect it is Britain haha. Although I cant really complain because the weathers fabulous now. I think once cleaning out my wardrobe it’ll probably call for a bit of a shopping spree as a large majority of my wardrobe consist of maternity items – so currently I’m known as an ‘outfit repeater’ haha.

Theres no theme or flow to this post, just sort of a bit of a ramble, I seem to have a lot I want to talk about even though none of it is remotely interesting. I thought I’d throw in a little ‘blog update’ too, I haven’t really known what to post recently, although I do have a few ideas in mind and some posts that I’m working on – there mainly mummy related; so I hope you don’t mind. I do want to point out that I don’t intent to make my blog purely ‘mummy related’, and will be keeping to my theme of posting pretty much whatever I like haha, but just including the odd mummy post here and there. I believe that I should be able to stick to my uploads falling on a Monday or perhaps another day, I’m not 100% sure yet…defiantly once a week, but when I come to a decision on the exact day I’ll let you know and maybe if I can I’ll squeeze in one main, or I guess you could call it special post per month I will? But we’ll see…

Being completely honest writing my blog hasn’t been that much of a priority recently; but I’m trying to get back into the swing of it – trying to post on a regular bases, and write my posts whilst Evangeline is sleeping; although in saying that I’d much rather sit and give her a cuddle.

I should probably come to an end with this post or it’ll go on forever haha, so I hope your all well and I’ll speak to you in my next post! 

Sunday, 17 July 2016

My birth story:


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

This is my longest blog post so far; so feel free to grab a snack or a cup of tea to help you get through haha… :)

 I’ve been asked recently if I’d consider doing a post talking about my ‘birth story’ and all the events surrounding what happened during my birth/delivery – as the main purpose of my blog is for me to look back on like I’ve mentioned previously on here like an online diary or journal I wanted to go as in depth as I could; allowing me to look back at the post in the future.
I’ve been thinking about how to write this post, trying to remember everything in detail…ironically its actually been quite difficult to remember all that took place (probably due to all the medicine I was on haha) but I’ll go into as much detail as I can – with the help of Zachary and my mum.

15th June 2016 – 36 weeks:
I remember waking up thinking that this was the day I was to find out exactly what my birth plan was and finally setting it into place, of course I know these things can change! Throughout my pregnancy I was under the monitoring of a consultant and midwife; this was due to my pregnancy being considered ‘high risk’ due to having an underlining medical condition. On this day I was booked in to have a scan in the morning to check our baby’s position followed by an appointment that afternoon with my consultant to set into place my delivery plan. 
Since 28 weeks our baby was in the breech position, although we had been told several times by my midwife that she was head down – I guess they cant always be right! Haha. Either way, this was the main reason that I had a scan, to see if baby had moved into the correct position.

I remember sitting in the hospital with my mum waiting to be called into have my scan; talking to my mum about how the midwives I had seen previously said that baby was head down and 2/5ths engaged; so as you can imagine after seeing several midwives and them all saying the same, I was convinced that our baby was head down – and boy those midwifes were wrong because the scan revealed that baby was still in the breech position; after finding this out I rang my partner (he was at work) to tell him how wrong the midwives were and that she was still breech!

After my scan I already knew what my birth plan would be – a Caesarean section as it had been discussed at prior appointments. That afternoon I turned up at the hospital for my consultant appointment were we discussed and put into place my birth plan; talking about what my method of caesarean would be; my decision was to have a spinal block so that I could be awake during the procedure, this is safer for both myself and the baby which is why I made this decision – also because I wanted to be able to see our baby straight away.

I was scheduled in for a Caesarean section on the 07-07-2016.

7th July 2016 – 39 weeks 1 day – 06:00am:
My 39 week 1 day belly, excuse the stretch marks - everyone is worth it!

Waking up at the crack of dawn filled with a mixture of emotions, a little nervous but this was over powered with excitement, this was the day myself and Zachary were going to be meeting our baby! I remember sitting on our sofa with a pint of water (that’s all I was aloud) thinking that in a few hours time we would be holding our baby in our arms, those 9 months we had been waiting would finally be over; and we would be able to kiss and cuddle our beautiful baby.

06:45 am:
Zachary was loading the car seat, my hospital bag and baby’s hospital bag into the car; before we set of to my parents house, we walked in and sat down, had a chat with my sister, mum and dad for around 15 minutes before leaving with my mum and heading to the hospital. The drive to the hospital felt like the longest drive ever, even though it only took around 20 minutes it felt like hours.

07:30 am:  
We finally arrived at the hospital and headed to ‘Folkestone ward’ – this is the ward that c-section mummy’s and mummy’s that have already given birth are taken to once they have been transported from the labour ward. However once we had arrived at the ward we were told that there were no beds due to a sudden surge of mummy’s going into labour, and that I would have to be admitted to the labour ward which wasn’t part of the plan – now if you know me you’ll know just how much I love to be organised; so to say the least I was a little bit flustered with having to move wards haha!

08:00 am:
This was when everything started to ‘kick off’ I guess you could say…we were taken to our room to settle in I sat on the bed with my mum and Zachary sat in the armchair, within about 3 minutes of entering the room and placing our bags down my midwife came in to do my OBs taking my blood pressure, pulse, temperature and placing my wrist bands on (this made it feel 10x more real – if you get what I mean). As I was the first on the list to go down to theatre I had a visit from the anaesthetist who explained to me the whole process of having a spinal block and what would happen once going into theatre, I guess easing my mind a little as I now knew what to expect.

08:30 am:
Around this time my midwife came back into the room preparing both myself and Zachary for theatre – giving me that rather dashing gown that displays your bottom to the world – which my mum had to help me put on, I have no idea why they make them so complicated covered in poppers haha, accompanied by some very attractive stockings that reveal your toes (such a glamorous outfit) Zachary on the other hand was also matching my fabulous look dressed in scrubs with what appeared to be hair nets on he’s shoes.

08:45 am:
After preparing ourselves for theatre the consultant who would be carrying out my caesarean arrived with a portable ultrasound machine to do a final scan – this was to check whether or not baby was still in the breech position as there is always a possibility that baby can spin at the last moment so they like to double check. Once the scan had finished and they clarified baby's position, the consultant hurried of to prepare herself for surgery.

09:15 am:
I was sat talking to mum and Zachary for what felt like hours, I believe that my mum knew just how nervous myself and Zachary were and kept conversation flowing to keep us occupied – I don’t personally deal very well with nerves haha!
The support was amazing from both my mum and Zachary and I couldn’t be more grateful!
Around this time 2 members of the theatre team came to collect us to take us down to theatre – it was finally time to meet our baby!!
I gave my mum a hug and said goodbye and that I’d see her in a little while (your only aloud one person in theatre).

The next time I see you mum I’ll have my baby”.

At this point I broke down into tears, I was filled with so many emotions, scared about surgery, nervous about what would happen, excited about finally meeting our baby… my mum walked with Zachary and I and all the midwives to the theatre doors before giving me a kiss and cuddle.

You’ll be fine just think you’re meeting your baby in a minute’.

At this point myself and Zachary were led into theatre; big white double doors closing behind us, all of the theatre team were waiting for us, it was a little intimidating being completely truthful. As soon as we entered I was taken, placed on the bed and the preperation started – one of the anaesthetists came over and placed a cannula (injection into a vein) into my hand, there was a midwife on the other side placing blood pressure cuffs and other monitoring devices on me. Another anaesthetist was behind me preparing my back for the spinal block.

They sprayed an antiseptic spray on my back – it was bloody freezing!! Then started the spinal; firstly they injected my back with a numbing injection, the only way I can explain how it felt, is like a severe bee sting, so not to bad but not at all pleasant haha! Once the numbing injection had set in they began to do the spinal block – the strangest feeling I have ever had haha, your bum suddenly feels very hot, and your legs very heavy. Once this had taken place I layed down onto the bed, the theatre team had to help me to lie down, as I couldn’t physically lift my legs. After lying down they inserted a catheter due to being unable to feel below your chest – glamorous right..? It is such a strange feeling having a spinal block, you can feel everything, so when someone touches you, you can feel it – you can feel the pressure but feel no pain or sensation odd isn’t it?
Within minutes they were spraying me with cold spray up my sides analysing whether or not the spinal was working; which wasn’t very pleasant – I was tilted several different ways on the bed due to the medicine/numbness working mainly on one side; whilst this was happening they were placing up sheets to prevent myself or Zachary from being able to see any of the procedure. Finally when my body had gone numb from the chest down surgery began; during surgery I was having constant doses of anti sickness medication and diamorphine – so from here on out I can only remember certain things that happened; i think its because of the medicine, so I’ve had to recruit Zachary and my mum to help me out a little.

During the procedure the surgeons, midwifes and anaesthetists were talking to us, telling us exactly what was happening; at one point I questioned the anaesthetists on whether the surgery had started:
Have they started yet?
Yes, they are already inside your stomach.”
Are they? No there not, I can’t feel it they cant be!”

It took 2 anaesthetists to convince me that they had actually started the procedure haha.
The consultant who was carrying out the procedure told us that my waters had been broken and that our baby would be here within minutes, after a lot of tugging, pulling and lots of pressure she lifted our baby girl over the sheets to show us her before she was taken by the midwives to be cleaned up – I burst into tears I couldn’t believe just how beautiful she is, how perfect she looked and she was finally here.

Evangeline Rose Holmes
Delivered at - 09:47 am
Weighing - 6lbs 11oz.
she's so perfect!

 A few minutes later she was bought over and placed onto my chest to allow me to do skin to skin, I spent the whole time staring at her – and kept repeating to Zachary: “she’s beautiful, she’s so perfect, I cant believe she’s finally here!”

the first time I held her (I look awful!).

she's so beautiful. 

<3 <3 <3
09:55 am:
Around this time my midwife took Evangeline from my chest, wrapped her up in the hospital blanket, placed her into her cot; before leaving the room and heading to recovery with Zachary; where he had he’s first cuddle with her.
I was moved from the theatre table and onto one of the hospital beds – which was 10x more comfy and much, much softer! Before being moved into recovery were I was reunited with Evangeline, Zachary and my mum.
Evangeline was weighed, measured and the midwives carried out routine checks, ensuring she was in tip-top health; they also gave her the vitamin K injection. Once they had finished my mum was able to give her a cuddle, before she was placed back onto my chest to continue skin to skin – we were in recovery for around 30 minutes before being taken into the labour ward were we would stay before a bed became available.

Daddy's first cuddle! <3

Evangeline with my mum. <3

10:40 am:
After a little while in our room, my mum left leaving myself and Zachary to be with Evangeline – my mums support to myself and Zachary was amazing and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Throughout the day midwives kept returning to our room checking to see that both Evangeline, Zachary and myself were doing well, and popping in to give me regular doses of diamorphine – which let me tell you was awful, it made me extremely drowsy, very nauseous and just in general it made me feel like utter crap!! Although in saying that it was spectacular for the pain!

12:00 am:
I was bought lunch, jacket potato and beans – with jam roly-poly for pudding. To be honest I didn’t eat much of it due to feeling sick from the medicine, but it did smell nice haha.

16:00 pm:
As we were still waiting to be moved onto the correct ward the midwives very kindly allowed us to have visitors come to our room – as visitors are not permitted on the labour ward.

My sister and dad were our first visitors; they arrived at the hospital followed by balloons that red ‘congratulations on your baby girl’, several cards, many congratulations and a pink teddy for Evangeline, and I guess the presents were for Zachary and I too haha.
After many kisses and cuddles they left the hospital and headed home; before long around 30 minutes later we were greeted by some of Zachary’s family members, he’s mum, dad and brother who also arrived with cards, clothing and teddies – several hugs and kisses later they also left the hospital.

My dad and Evangeline - he had just finished work, hence the shirt haha! <3

My sister and Evangeline! <3

Zachary's mum and Evangeline! :)
20:00 pm:
We were finally moved onto the correct ward as a bay/bed had become available, after settling into the ward we could finally relax. I remembering hearing all the other mummy’s with their babies and partners - it was such an amazing atmosphere. 

22:00 pm:
After hours of giving Evangeline hugs and kisses we tucked her up into her cot, using the blanket that my mum had very kindly made for her; before settling down ourselves.
Luckily at our hospital partners are aloud to stay, so Zachary was able to help me throughout the night…honestly I have no idea how I would’ve done it without him – I was still unable to move my lower half, and still in quite a lot of pain so getting up to tend to Evangeline would’ve been impossible without Zachary. (The midwives were run of their feet so couldn’t help).
I couldn’t sleep – I didn’t want to sleep I spent the whole night staring into her cot at our beautiful baby girl thinking ‘how on earth have Zachary and I made someone so perfect, so beautiful’.
<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3
08:00 am:
I was finally able to move my lower half and had regained all feeling; so after hours of being bed bound I was up and wondering about the ward– of course with a little bit of assistance and support from Zachary and the midwives because not going to lie my tummy was extremely painful haha!

12:00 pm:
I was finally aloud to have a shower (you have to mobile for a few hours) so a midwife very kindly looked after Evangeline in their office for around 30 minutes whilst Zachary helped me in the shower, as I was unable to do a great deal, for example bend over to pull up my pyjama bottoms or knickers haha…I relied on him in practically everyway – he was so amazing, so kind, patient, calm and understanding and I couldn’t be luckier! <3

20:00 pm:
I packed our bags with the assistance of Zachary, we dressed Evangeline in a pink stripy dress with matching leggings that we had bought from ‘mamas&papas’, before putting her into her car seat. Although it was late we were finally discharged and allowed to head home to start our life as a family of 3. <3

Friday, 15 July 2016


Topaz silver pendant:

Hello lovelies, this post is slightly different to what i usually upload onto my blog, however i felt the need to write about this beautiful necklace that I very kindly received from - Hazel+Kent.

Now I'm not usually a 'jewellery' person; but since receiving this necklace, in all honesty I've paired it with every outfit for every occasion. Its such a beautiful piece, with amazing detail; adding sparkle to every outfit. I love this piece because of just how simple it is, everything about this necklace is beautiful, the chain is thin complimenting your neck, without being over powering; and the diamond is incredibly sparkly (perfect for people like me who love sparkly things!).

This necklace is perfect for all occasions, or to be given as a gift to a loved one or friend - or simply a treat to yourself. Here is the link if you wish to buy this beautiful piece!! <3 

I'm extremely happy that i came across this company, all of their items are incredibly well made, with significant detail within every jewellery item - not to mention how fantastic the prices are!! 

(Disclaimer - I have not been paid to talk about this item, this is just an honest opinion on the piece that I received!) 

Monday, 4 July 2016

25 Things that make me happy:

"Be happy, be bright, be you."

Feeling baby kicking and wriggling around. <3

  My family.

 Zachary – my partner.

   Jazzy, Nip and Henry. (my pets)

  Sunshine and summer.

   New or fresh bedding.

  Bubble baths. 



    Giving gifts.


  Painting my nails.

  Going for walks.

 Pretty things.

  Spending time with family and friends.

  The beach.

 Things that smell nice.


  Lazy days.


 Taking pictures.



 Being tanned.
