'It's the most wonderful time of the year.'
Christmas is swiftly approaching, I still haven't quite finished my Christmas shopping, which is actually rather odd for me...for the last 3 or 4 year's, by the time we've reached December 12th I've finished wrapping presents and there either sat under the tree, or scattered around my bedroom sparkling away in some pretty festive paper, waiting to be opened. Ironically you would've thought that would be the same this year, but oddly enough it's not. I have wrapped practically every present I've bought and they sit under our tree in our living room, which let me tell you is much easier than having them piled at the end of your bed like I used to at my parents, manoeuvring around my room was like taking part in an obstacle course each and every time - of course as you know I live in my own home now with Zachary and Evangeline, well maybe some of you don't know, but anyway...I live on my own which means we can pretty much put thing's were we want haha.
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Our christmas tree, its so pretty. |
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A little Christmas snippet of our December so far :) |
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Our little princess, she's perfect. <3 |
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Pretty little princess. <3 |
So let's get back on topic, I'm much more excited for Christmas this year; as I've mentioned in previous post's, it's Evie's first Christmas, our first Christmas as a family of three and our first Christmas in our own place - so it's much more exciting this year. But I'm just not as prepared...although it'll probably becoming more challenging throughout the years with Santa Claus cropping up, where on earth will we put presents then!? I think I need to give myself a peptalk if I want to make Christmas a success this year haha, lets just cross our fingers, toes and whatever else can be crossed? And send me buckets of luck in hope I actually manage to finish my Christmas shopping before the 25th!
We have such a hectic diary for the build up to Christmas, well the most hectic it's been for me. My Christmases at home were simple, Christmas eve consisted of preparation for Christmas day...Christmas day consisted of food, family, fun and games and presents and of course spending some time with Zachary, and boxing day was almost like a chilled or lazy day in the morning and in the afternoon we'd spend time with extended family, and then again I'd get to see Zachary so pretty simple I'd say.
However this year we've got a heck of a lot more planned. So nothing is actually set in stone but:
• Christmas Eve we're heading to Zachary's mums for dinner and celebrations in the evening.
• Christmas day, we're spending the morning as a family and then going to my family's, having dinner, playing games and just in general celebrating.
• Boxing day, this is when we visit my nan for a little while, before popping over to see Zachary's nan and dad for you guessed it...Christmas dinner and celebrations.
Your probably thinking - "Donna, love. That's not what I call hectic..." but from my usual routine, that's pretty jam packed, don't you think?
Anyway, I should probably finish this post here as I need to continue with my online shopping, hunting for the perfect Christmas presents…I shall be doing another post before the 25th, probably a Q&A over on my instagram dons_steph so be sure to check that out! and I'll speak to you lovely lot in my next post!
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