I've been meaning to sit and write this post for a little while now, being completely honest this isn't the first time I've typed this - the 3rd time I believe? Florance is 3 weeks old now and I have 2 drafts dating back to when she was a few days old. I thought I'd start again completely as I wasn't particularly keen on how I'd written the others. So we're starting fresh, rewriting Florance's birth story.
I haven't gone into much detail about my entire pregnancy with Florance, just written the odd update here and there. Which sucks, as I intended to do regular updates just as I did when I was pregnant with Evangeline; but sometimes my life gets a bit hectic and I don't have much time to sit and write any pregnancy updates or any blog posts really. Anyway, a little insight into my pregnancy with her - it was absolutely fabulous, really smooth, no nausea, no problems, no nothing; just smooth sailing until I reached around 30-32 weeks.
Around this time I had discovered Florance had stopped wiggling, each time I had visited the hospital and been on a CTG machine, everytime her results would be practically perfect. However due to not feeling her movements I wasn't able to 'count the kicks' or anything to ensure she was okay. I was under a consultant due to having a high risk pregnancy, seeing him every 4 weeks - he agreed that the lack of movements was concerning so sent me for a scan; which showed she was measuring in the 3rd percentile, roughly 4 weeks behind in growth. Due to this there was a chance she'd have to be delivered early, so I was sent for steriod injections which stung like a b*tch but worth it - making her lungs much stronger incase she needed be born much earlier.
The plan was to deliver Florance at 34 weeks, but with a little persuasion and agreeing to constant scans and CTG's the consultant and I came to the agreement she'd be born at 37-38 weeks, of course this would change if results weren't of satisfaction. Either way, I was scheduled to have her at 37 weeks via csection due to her size and much like Evie being breech, however there were no available csection slots at my hospital only at a hospital a few hours from where I live. Fortunately the consultant understood why I wanted to wait until a slot at my local hospital became available and we came up with a plan of CTG's 4 times a week and scans to follow to check on baby up until 38 weeks 1 day, when I had my csection. The day before my section I had a scan which showed baby was losing weight and my placenta wasn't doing to great either - so luckily we had my section planned for the next day!!
The day of my scheduled csection. The day I finally got to meet my second princess, to finally hug and kiss her. Much like my csection with Evangeline, I had to take 3 tablets 1 the night before and 2 the morning of the procedure - anti-sickness and anti-acid I believe? We were to arrive at the hospital at 07:30am and head to the Folkestone ward which is were we would stay for our time at the hospital. As soon as we arrived we were greeted by my midwife and some students, the aneasatist visited shortly after discussing the spinal, cannula and all that jazz, then the consultant obstetrician followed talking to us about who would be in theatre for the baby, the procedure, risks and to sign paperwork. Around 08:30 I was given my gowns, stockings, my obs were taken; babys heartbeat was listened to for the last time in my tummy, and my birthing partner (my mum) was also given scrubs. At 09:00am we headed down to theatre, the walk felt like 60 minutes, in reality it probably took 3, but nerves had finally set in haha so everything felt much longer.
We were taken into theatre, I was sat on the operating table where they inserted a cannula into my hand and prepared me for my spinal. I remember my spinal with Evangeline and this time around was no where near as smooth sailing. The aneasatist didn't put enough medication in the numbing injection, due to this I felt every. single. part. of my spinal!!.
which I can't really put into words how uncomfortable it was. Of course I cried which I think is understandable so at this point I was already fed up.
After this I was laid down and my catheter was inserted I'd say probably 15 different members of theatre staff and 2 students watched, so they have all seen my lady garden - glamorous right? My spinal wasn't working very well on my left side and I could feel everything on my right side..so I was tilted back on the operating table which resulted in me being unable to breathe as the spinal had travelled up onto my chest. The bed was tilted the other way and a few minutes later I could breathe again. At this point I was still able to feel a majority of my right side, with my left side being completely numb.
The aneasatist made the decision to give the go ahead to start the procedure regardless to the spinal working on only one side as they didn't want baby to become distressed. They began the csection and I honestly cannot being to describe the feeling I had on my right side, I felt everything. I won't go into detail, but honestly it was the worst pain I have ever felt. Luckily I could only feel on one side so when the consultant was carrying out the procedure on the left I was okay, but as soon as they moved to the right it was horrendous. Maybe I'm being dramatic but I honestly felt like I was dying.
09:24am Florance Violet was born, letting out the biggest cry I've ever heard. Those steriods definitely worked haha! After Florance was born she was assessed by the paedatritians who were pleased with her breathing, skin, movements and everything else so they aloud me to hold her. I wasn't able to hold her very long as I was very light headed and uncomfortable due to the surgeon having to finish the procedure; so she was given to my mum for a cuddle. 
Florance Violet Holmes
5lbs 6oz
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Florance at just minutes old! <3![]() |
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Florance and I in recovery <3 |
We were taken back to the Folkestone ward, were Zachary was able to meet Florance and give her her first feed - much like Evangeline, Florance has tongue tie so was unable to latch to breastfeed. Our family came to meet Florance bringing lots of gifts, congratulations and well wishes. 
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Zachary and Florance. :) |
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My dad and Florance <3 |
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My sister and Florance. <3 |
We remained at the hospital until the next evening, around 6pm.. We were then discharged and able to head home to start our new adventures.
Although my csection didn't go as planned, I would do it again in a heartbeat for Florance. As I would for Evangeline - I love my girls more than words can describe.
I also wanted to add, if your waiting to have a csection please don't let my experience effect you, because its very rare! 
Thank you for taking your time to read all about Florance's arrival. I have also written a birth story on Evangeline's arrival which I will link here - Evangeline's birth story
I hope you are all well and I will speak to you all in my next post!
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