Where I’ve been
Hi, it’s been a while. Much longer than I anticipated, I mean it’s not a terrible length of time I haven’t uploaded; but much longer than what I was hoping. I believe the last time I uploaded on here was some time in March? The beginning I think? Either way, it’s been a while as we’re swiftly approaching the middle of May, it’s insane just how fast this year is already passing by. Maybe I’m the only one, but since becoming a mum I really do notice how fast time goes by, like one minute your cradling your newborn and the next their sitting independently or about to to turn 2! Which leads me onto the next subject...
Can you believe that Evangeline is almost two?! As I sit and type this she is exactly (everyone loves to be exact) 22 months and 7 days, 22 months?! which means she’s almost 2! It’s absolutely crazy, she’s such a little character, funny, friendly, loving & a little crazy. She’s playful and learning by the day - I’m going to do a separate update on both the girls soon; so keep an eye out for that, I just can’t believe how quickly she’s growing, my teeny tiny baby is well and truly a toddler! Moving onto little Florance - anddddddd another can you believe it moment - she’s 7 months! 7 months guys, so another 5 months, well actually it’s less than that now.... and she’ll be 1! It’s crazy, I swear I just bought her home yesterday? Florance is a right little character too, sassy, a little dramatic like mummy, loving, playful and friendly. She’s a little greedy bum and eats constantly making up for being so tiny when she was in my tummy! She’s only 10lbs, possibly even less, lighter than Evangeline, she’s a proper little chunk; she has more rolls than a bakery - but they are so blooming adorable!
They are both such amazing little ladies and I’m prouder each day, but as I said above I’ll be doing an update on both of them for my next post! I'm going to insert a few pictures of them now, just so you can see how big their getting, not to forget what little beauties they are! <3
So speaking about the girls growing up and their birthdays, we aren’t doing much - for Evangeline’s 2nd birthday we have arranged a weekend filled with different zoos, aquariums, farms and just a variety of different places to visit, that we’re hoping both the girlies will enjoy- we’re getting her a proper kitchen to, a nice wooden one with all the extras; there was one on Santa’s list but we felt she was to little and most likely wouldn’t play with it... she’s at much more of an age were she’ll be able to enjoy it (or so I hope) of course we’ll add in some other bits and bobs into her gifts like books & stuff.... but I’ll probably do a post nearer the time showing you the presents we’ve got her or that she received and a little about her birthday.
Florance’s 1st birthday, I think we may be having a little party - nothing to extravagant, something small and sweet; a little tea party, I’ve seen some adorable decorations... is it to early to start buying them? Haha. Anyway, a party - we’re not entirely sure yet, as we’d have to find an appropriate location - we haven’t got a garden since we’ve moved (little clue on the next subject) so I think her little birthday bash will be somewhere else, I’ll do a post on her birthday too and everything surrounding it nearer the time! Either way, we’ll sort something, and themes and presents - I haven’t really thought about what we’ll get Flo for her birthday as it’s a little further away.... but I know she’ll be spoilt with lots of toys, interactive bits and books, items to help encourage her development - the usual.
I’m so excited for both of their birthdays! Where have my tiny babies gone?
We’ve moved! Yay! If you haven’t followed me on Instagram (which you should

As soon as I set foot into our place I loved it, and pretty much accepted it there and then on the spot. It was a matter of weeks until it became unsafe for us to stay at my parents any longer due to Florance our growing her crib so it couldn’t have come at a better time. It’s an old building, with huge windows, lovely glass doors into our kitchen, it’s bright and relatively big. Of course there are a few bad points - like it doesn’t come with any parking or because it’s a flat there are stairs with no lift, but there more 1st world problems; so it’s no big deal. I think at some point I will be doing a post, like a little tour - but there’s still a few bits I’d like to change, furniture I’d like to move and a few things like that, but once that’s done... you can expect a post!
We’ve had a bit of a palaver these last few months, since we’ve moved. And gone through 5 prams! Well I say gone through we still have 2 haha! I had the bugaboo donkey, but with our new place it would’ve been impossible for me to get the pram down the stairs due to it being an old building it’s pretty narrow in the hall. So we bought the icandy peach, Florance hated it, and it was a bit of a pain since one of the girls was always looking at the others bottom; so we sold that. We then bought the mountain buggy duet - which is fab; as a double it’s the same size as the bugaboo in mono mode - so it fits through every door which is great! And just because nothings smooth sailing haha, Evangeline and Florance aren’t always keen on being in the pram, the mountain buggy is a bit of a fail at the same time as it doesn’t have a single mode! 🤦🏼♀️ so we bought the Nuna Pepp- I didn’t like it haha, so we bought a Quinny Buzz too haha! We sold our Nuna just in case you think we’re crazy! So that’s our 2 prams, I think I’ll do a review on those soon?
I think that’s all I have to say for now. Thanks for reading, and I’ll speak to you in my next post. (Hopefully it’s not to long before I post again haha).
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