Little chats
Good morning, how are you all!? well I hope! I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, sore throat, headache and full of cold, I'm always ill recently it sucks... but I'm sat here sipping on hot chocolate with all of the extras imaginable and having cuddles with the girlies, I guess there are some perks to being a bit poorly.. haha! Although; I'm really hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that neither of them catch it!
Regardless to how cosy & awful I feel, I felt like doing a chatty kinda post - just because these ones are by far my favvvvs! As silly as it sounds it really does feel like I'm sat having a good old natter with you all. Cute, right? I don't really have much to talk about today which is ironic considering I chose to do a post that involves me waffling on for paragraph after paragraph!
Can you believe we're approaching the end of November!? the end of the 11th month!? How on earth has it shot by so fast...I still feel like we should be getting ready to celebrate Halloween, but nope we're almost in December! I must admit Christmas celebrations started a few weeks back, Christmas food, music and festivities - oh and I've been working on a Christmas series which I'll be starting December 1st (self promo
I believe we're putting up our decorations up today; nothing to hectic but magical for the kiddies. I always say this, but I really do love Christmas, everything about it... the festivities, little market's, food - especially pigs in blankets, everyone is full of joy, everywhere has pretty lights and decorations - I just love everything. I must admit its definitely my favourite time of the year, excluding the girls birthday - their my favourite days too!
We're off to Winter Wonderland this year to, this is our 2nd time going. And the first ever time I've left both girls over night, and the 2nd time I've left Evangeline - the 1st was when I had Florance
A complete change of topic, and bumping back up a few paragraphs... I've decided to do a Christmas series on here this year; it's going to be tricky but I'm trying to stick to it - its something I've wanted to do since starting my blog... but better late than never? I'll be popping a snappy little post up talking all about it on the 30th November; if you follow me on instagram you'll be sure to see when its live? I'll pop my insta here - dons_steph feel free to have a gander and click that follow button if your feeling funky?
Can you believe Florance is 7 weeks tomorrow - 22nd November.... how is she growing up so quickly. Speaking of which Evangeline is swiftly approaching 17 months!! We had a settle session with her at a nursery last Friday. And I have to be honest, they've really made me nervous... the staff are lovely as are the other little ones; the location is great, the facilities are okay a little dated, but nothing terrible - but they had soooo many little bricks and bits & bobs on the floor that Evageline and the other babies were putting in their mouth, I'm talking a WHOLE block... In fact I had to run over 3 or 4 times to get them out of Evie's mouth.... after talking to the nursery manager she said they don't usually have small toys... so call me crazy we're back there Friday, although I think we're going to pick a new nursery, we're looking around it next week - so fingers crossed its better, then little lady will be off to nursery for a few days a week - how is she growing up so quickly!?
I'll leave it here, before I end up writing a novel. I hope your all well, and I'll speak to you all in my next post.
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