Exciting things for the future
This post is soooooo different to my usual posts, and actually pretty personal. And is going to include topics that are considered a little controversial if you will; but I thought it would be fun to do a post talking exciting things I have planned for the next coming years. I mean I know some things can change, but with this whole New year, new me business I thought it was relatively fitting to have a little natter about things I have planned and things I'm hoping to achieve.Firstly if you follow my Instagram ill pop it here - my Instagram and you've checked out my Insta stories,you'll know I've got some exciting things planned in regards to my social media this year, I'm not going to go into to much detail as everything is still a working progress but all I can say is if you pop over to my Instagram and turn on those notifications you'll be able to keep up to date with all of my posts and stories. So keep an eye out - exciting things are brewing....
My body, so over the next few years were working on some changes - or so I have these things set for particular months for the time being but I've got to head to different appointments to clarify. And I'm aware that not everyone reading will agree with them but thats totally fine in every way, and everyone is entitled to an opinion. Theres always been a few things I've not been very keen on, for example my lips - there a small problem for me, nothing to major, but to me there weird in shape and a a bit deflated on the sides (cue the internet trolls picking on maaaa lips haha). I mean they aren't awful, but I'm intending on changing them; so in a few months I'm considering taking the plunge to get lip fillers.
Now before you go DONNA ARE YOU CRAZY, we're not talking anything ridiculous, just a little bit on the edges, if you'd like me to do a post if I go ahead with them defiantly let me know and I can do that for you. Another procedure that may be on the cards is another to do with the face/mouth and that is veneers. I haven't got terrible teeth, and being honest these are probably last on the list. I'd had braces and my teeth whitened (which I loved) in the past but would like them to be permanently white rather than having to go back every few months and completely straight - I cant say I'd like to much of a fake smile, so maybe we'll go a little more subtle? or do I stick with the teeth whiteners? so confusing!!
Next up, I've had 2 beautiful daughters, who I love more than anything, but 2 Caesarian sections later... lets be honest; my body has seen better days. So there are two particular procedures I'm also considering for the next few years, and not going to lie they are pretty big procedures a tummy tuck and boob job.
For my boobs I'm wanting an augmentation, uplift and full fat removal - along with the removal of my lynth nodes under my arms, there is another reason for this, a health reason. This is something I'm really wanting to do, and its a change that I've got the most appointments for due to wanting lots done in one operation; but much like the other procedures I'm considering if I go ahead I will do a separate post. And finally a tummy tuck - the main reason for this is due to having 2 caesarians I have a pretty nifty, yet unattractive apron - and not the kind for cooking. It doesn't look great and being honest I wouldn't change it for the world as my 'saggy tummy' bought my 2 beautiful daughters into the world; but its time to work on the mum bod haha but this isn't an area that the gym could tackle! And as I said above if its something I go through with, I'll be sure to write a post.
** Little disclaimer I thought I'd include, all of the above things are my decision and in no way have been influenced by anyone; if anything most people I have told are completely against it. I'm also aware that all of the above carry risks; which is why I am having lots of different appointments at a variety of different private hospitals. I have also added "if I go through with it' as I am not making this a promise but rather something I'm considering - if I am not happy with different aspects then I won't go ahead. **
Moving back out of my parents house is another goal, I had moved out before having Evangeline but of course little blips happen and I moved home - but I'm making it my goal to have moved out in the next few months. SO of course ill be uploading lots of different house related posts.
Harry Potter studios, I've wanted to visit this place since it opened so I'm making it my goal to go this year. lets just hope I actually manage it as every other time somethings always come up haha!
And my last goal, change or whatever you'd like to call it, is to improve on my blog upload schedule (I say this all the time) but lets just keep our fingers crossed that I actually stick to it haha!
Anyway thats all I have to say really, a quick post; nothing to long. Hopefully you enjoyed reading what my plans are for the next year or so and ill speak to you in my next post.
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