Looking back:
Looking back:
As I’m going rather in depth into my pregnancy journey this will probably be quite a long post, I wanted to point out that this post is to enable me to be able to look back at my pregnancy experience, so I will be including every event that took place; negative and positive, but for the most part it will be about the positive event’s of my pregnancy. ♡
Wednesday 6th July 2016, 39 week’s exactly; this was my last full day of pregnancy with Evangeline- it was the day before my caesarean, the day before we welcomed our beautiful baby girl into the world.
It’s such an amazing thing pregnancy, the fact your body is carrying, protecting and growing a tiny human; a tiny little person made up of yours and your partners DNA.
I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks, I remember as clear as day taking a pregnancy test and sitting waiting for the results. Seeing those 2 pink faint lines appearing was honestly amazing, so overwhelming, but so amazing.
The beginning of my pregnancy was fairly scary – due to having problems with my fallopian tubes and being high risk I was ordered by my gynaecologist to head straight to the hospital for scans and blood tests, if I ever discovered I was pregnant. I recall sitting in the waiting room anxiously waiting to be called in to have all required tests carried out; we then had to wait a few days for the results- which was terrifying. But after many days of patiently waiting we finally received the results and thankfully everything looked perfect and our teeny tiny baby was thriving and growing just how she should be.
The beginning of my pregnancy was actually really quite easy, fortunately I was one of the lucky ones and didn’t experience any morning sickness or all day sickness and would just feel a bit nauseous at times; which is great because I hate being sick. I really do feel for people who have morning sickness, or just sickness in general – it must be awful. ☆
Throughout my pregnancy I barely gained any weight either, I gained in total around 1 stone 6oz which to some people isn’t a lot, as some women gain 2, 3, 4 + stone; I was definitely all baby – and for those of you that will say “obviously you wasn’t eating enough if you didn’t gain a lot of weight.” I was consuming the perfect amount suited to me and Evie and the recommended calorie intake throughout my pregnancy. Another thing I guess that is food related, is I didn’t really experience any cravings. I mean I had 1 or 2 in my entire pregnancy and they were pure orange juice, sausage roles and quavers – not the most exciting things haha. But not to many, or nothing to strange; for example my nan liked to suck coal or sniff wellingtons...thankfully mine were pretty ordinary haha.
I had actually a very smooth pregnancy, I mean don’t get me wrong it was far from perfect. I had a few problems throughout my pregnancy- several hospital visits, appointments and numerous different tests on a regular basis, but as smooth and as perfect as it could be for me. So I was very lucky.
So talking a bit about the problems or the negative side before the positives that occurred during my pregnancy. Somewhere between the 8th and 10th week of my pregnancy I had a bleed and ended up in A&E, obviously I was thinking of the worse possible out come; but after several tests it reviled that everything looked fabulous, luickly! ♡ So quite a bit further into my pregnancy unfortunately the same thing happened between the 30th - 32nd week of my pregnancy – I had another bleed which ended up with me being checked into hospital being monitored for several hours, being visited by different doctors, different tests being carried out to ensure that baby was ok – which luckily she was! Oh, and to check that I was okay too; but Evie was my priority! Either way, luckily we both received a clean bill of health and were aloud to go home.
Being completely honest, I spent had hospital visits on a regular basis, I was being monitored probably every other week or so- I know people are going to think “god, she’s a tad over cautious.” But I’ll explain why, it was all in relation to Evie’s movements...in the womb she would move actually quite a bit (I loved feeling her wriggling around in my tummy – such an amazing feeling) her average kick count was around 18+ movements a day; this included kicks, rolls, pokes all the things I was told to monitor by my midwife. However at times Evangeline would have extreme decreases in her movements, going from 18 to 5 or sometimes none at all – so under the recommendations of my midwife I’d head to the hospital to be monitored ensuring that she was ok – better to be safe than sorry! Towards the end of my pregnancy Evangeline’s movement’s rapidly decreased and 4 days before my scheduled caesarean I headed to the hospital after talking to my midwife and was monitored for around 3 hours; during this time there were major increases and decreases in her heartrate dropping to 110 and sky rocketing up to 240 in a matter of minutes – which was extremely scary I’ve never felt so scared in my life; so after hours of monitoring and different doctors, discussions of moving my C-section forward and further monitoring; thankfully her heartrate remained within normal range and her movements balanced and everything was perfect.
So moving on, lets talk about more positive things.
Other than the above situations my pregnancy was as smooth and perfect as it could possibly be; every midwife visit was positive, every consultant appointment was fabulous, every scan went amazing – and overall my pregnancy was such an amazing and magical experience.
I absolutely loved being pregnant, I loved every little thing about being pregnant, about carrying our beautiful, perfect little girl until the day we finally met her. I cherished being pregnant and enjoyed every moment.
Taking bumpies weekly watching my bump grow – until eventually I could no longer see my feet haha. Heading to scans watching her moving and fidgeting around, seeing just how much she had grown since the last appointment; how each time the sonographer would struggle to fit her whole body on the screen and eventually all we could see was her head, listening to her heartbeat at home – which I found very therapeutic.
Feeling and watching our little baby girl wriggling around and moving into different positions; her favourite was sitting in a ball on the left side of my bump – in fact she spent a majority of the time, pretty much the entire pregnancy curled up on my left side, I had a rather odd shaped bump kind of, ya’no...a bit off centre haha; but hey, at least she was comfortable! I loved our family time, Zachary and I would sit snuggled on the sofa or on our bed; he’d sit and talk to my bump, talking to Evie; hugging my bump feeling her wiggle too. I much prefer our family snuggles now though being able to cuddle her and kiss her chubby little cheeks. ♡
I’d sit with Zachary and my family and we’d talk about what she’d look like, how much hair she’d have, her eye colour and how much she’d weigh at birth. But she’s even more beautiful, even more perfect than we could’ve ever imagined. ♡
My pregnancy journey was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had in my life (obviously meeting Evangeline tops everything I’ve ever experienced and nothing will ever beat that) and I wouldn’t change it for the world. We now have our beautiful, perfect, loving, cheeky little lady – and I couldn’t be any happier, I love her more than anything.
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