Small Hythe Place:
I thought that I would do another chatty post, there seems to be a theme recently of me putting up posts that just consist of me talking about anything, nothing in particular just things that are on my mind – things I feel like waffling on about; I hope that you don’t mind. I guess these are just the type of posts that I enjoy writing most, in a way just having a chat with you….

I spent this weekend out with Zachary exploring another one of the natural trust locations – you may also notice that Zachary and I quite often visit these places; there nice, pretty and welcoming somewhere nice to walk around taking in the scenery; snapping a few pictures here and there.
I have a new phone now, YIPPEE!! Meaning I can actually share and take pictures of everything. Go check out my instagram to see pictures from our weekend – dons__steph.
I now have the Samsung galaxy S7 edge in gold – that’s a mouthful haha. Not going to lie, I defiantly prefer it to my Iphone; the camera is amazingggggg, don’t get me wrong I love a apple product that’s actually what I’m typing this post on now, an apple computer; I have no idea what its called though, honestly I’m not to great with technology haha.
I have several appointments this week and by Wednesday I’ll finally know what my birthing plan is YAY! I’ve been waiting since 32 weeks to set it in place – although I know that they prefer to do your birthing plan closer to the end of your pregnancy, suiting you at that time. I have a scan on Wednesday we’ll finally know if baby has moved from the breech position – personally I think baby is head down, but we’ll know for sure after my appointment. it will also be the last scan until baby is here – I cannot put into words how excited I am!!!

Its father’s day this Sunday, or at least it is here in the UK; this year I think I’m going to make it extra special. What are you lovely people doing for father’s day? And if it isn’t fathers day what are you plans for this upcoming weekend? I now is only Monday and the weekend is a few days away yet, but never mind maybe some of you already have plans. Haha!
I’m thinking about doing a blog post showing you guys what’s in mine and baby’s hospital bag, let me know what you think?
Myself and Zachary have finally finished washing all of baby’s clothing and putting them in order, all that’s left to do is completely blitz (deep clean) our house and then everything is ready!
I’m so blooming excited for baby’s arrival I cannot put into words my excitement to start all our memories as a family of 3.

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