The questions:
I thought that I would do another tag, in particular a pregnancy tag. I’m still working on some exciting posts, but thought I would post in the meantime.

- How many months are you and what month are you due?
– I’m just over 8 months and I am due in July!
- Family’s Reaction?
– My family were and still are extremely happy for myself and Zachary; and have been amazingly supportive. <3
- Do you know the sex?
– Nope, we decided not to find out our babies gender and for the gender reveal to be a surprise at birth; we’re happy either way as long as our baby is healthy!
- What did you want?
– Both of us are first time parents, so either way we are completely happy with either gender, as mentioned in the previous question as long as baby is healthy we don’t mind.
- Do you want more?
– Defiantly in the future. :)
- Biggest craving?
– Ironically, I haven’t actually had any cravings yet and don’t personally think I will. 
- Best part of being pregnant?
– Everything, I cant pin point a specific ‘best part’ so I’m just going to say everything.
- Names picked out?
– Zachary and I have picked out a name that we love for both genders, however we are keeping these a secret until our baby’s arrival.
- Who will be with you during labor?
– Zachary and my mum. 
- Birth plan?
– I don’t yet have a birth plan and have to wait a few weeks to make one; after a follow up scan on our baby’s position, as currently baby is breech 
- Will you film it?
– Defiantly not! I will be prompting my mum and Zachary to take as many pictures as they can for us to look back on, but I don’t like the idea of a video haha! But each to their own!
- Natural or Medicated?
– I haven’t made any permanent decisions but – I plan to last as long as I can on gas and air; however if I would like something stronger then I will. :)
- Scared about labor?
– Nope, just excited!!

- What do you look forward to after pregnancy?
– Just in general being a mum, watching our baby grow up, and all the amazing things we can do as a family; I look forward to everything.

- Breastfeed?
– I do intend on breastfeeding, however I’m not against bottle-feeding and will do what works best for our baby. :)
- Plan to work or be a stay at home mom?
– I will be a stay at home mum until our baby is attending nursery, then I will go back into work. :)
- Do you have nursery ideas/themes?
- We have completed our baby’s nursery; we are just organizing and washing everything now. Our nursery is neutral with vintage touches.

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