Summer fun:
Since the weather has become increasingly hotter, sunnier and just in general a great deal better than it has been these last few weeks, I felt like writing about something in relation to summer I guess…

Ive always loved summer, especially where I live; as ive mentioned in previous blog posts, I live in a seaside town. It tends to be rather ‘boring and empty’ throughout the year, everyone potters around like their half asleep… it always seems to be rainy, cold or cloudy and its almost although theres a shortage of people, or tourists I suppose. However once the weather starts to pick up and the sun comes out, honestly it couldn’t be more different – which is why I love it!
The sunnier it gets here the more people want to leave their houses and venture outside rather than being cooped up. The town centre suddenly becomes beaming with people, scurrying around in and out of different shops hunting for those holiday bargains, topping up their tan as they go about it – the whole town seems to ‘wake up’…
I guess the increase of people would occur as the weather becomes warmer, living in a seaside town draws people to visit here – especially if you live miles away from the ocean, beach or seaside setting.
Ive always loved being able to go down the beach to sunbathe or to simply go for a wonder taking in the view and listening to the waves drifting in and out. However I find its 10x nicer to do those particular things when the beach is filled with people, rather than being empty.

Its great here when summer starts to make its presence, obviously I love living in this town all year round to haha; however I love it that little more when its summer!
I guess my favourite part is all the ice cream shops and vans that appear and open after months of being closed, being able to walk or sit along the seafront with a nice portion of fish and chips, yum! Sitting in the back garden with family in the sun topping up your tan and having BBQ’s; all things I love about summer – obviously the list of things I love could go on forever, summer fashion, food, gatherings you name it the list would go on forever! :L haha.
This year I’m especially looking forward to this summer and cannot put into words my excitement – as my partner and myself are expecting our first baby early July!

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