Afternoon chats:
I thought I would do a chatty blog post as I haven’t done one for a little while, well at least it feels like I haven’t haha!
It’s June 3rd Zachary and I can now officially say that we are due a baby next month – I cannot put into words how excited I am!

I have an appointment with my consultnant and a growth scan in less than 2 weeks, from there I should be arranging my birth plan; and I’ll know exactly what will be happening when baby is due or once I’ve gone into labour.
Although it doesn’t actually feel like we’re even in June, at the moment the weather has been horrendous, pretty much non-stop rain, cloudy and cold. Hopefully it brightens up over the weekend! In saying that it doesn’t even feel like we’re approaching summer, but more like we’re heading into autumn or winter – typical British summer time haha!
On another note, I had my belly cast done on Wednesday morning at my parents house, my mum and sister done it for me, and they done a wonderful job to – I’ll most likely do a blog post about ‘my belly cast experience’ once its completed and talk to you about what happened, the whole process; although I must say even though its not complete I’m pretty impressed on how it looks so far. I like the idea of belly casts there a nice little keepsake that myself and Zachary will be able to show baby in the future.

My belly cast – not completed yet!
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