Visiting the reindeer farm
I've been wanting to take Evangeline to visit Father Christmas again this year. We took her last year in a shopping centre we visited, she was roughly 5 months & being completely honest she wasn't at all phased and didn't actually care one bit; I think she was a little young and probably didn't understand. But nevertheless we took her, and I'm hoping to make visiting Santa a tradition, a thing we do every year at Christmas right up until the girls loose interest in Santa.
We visited the reindeer farm today (7th December), mainly because they have Santa and lots of different Christmassy bits and bobs going in. The weather was pants, which sucks as we got absolutely soaked when walking from barn to barn; and covered in mud as its a little farm. I must say, a positive was that there wasn't many people; probably because it's a Thursday so most children are at school, which was nice as Evangeline was able to wander around and play on the toys.
We made it our goal to see Santa first before it got busy, and being honest that put a bit of a downer on the day; Evangeline was petrified of father Christmas, she hated him... refused to sit near him and cried the whole time she was in the room with him; she happily sat on my lap - but lets just say our photo is one for the baby book haha! We didn't stay with Santa very long just enough to get a picture of Florance, Evangeline, Santa and I; as Evie was far to upset. I must add they gave a smashing gift, a little Father Christmas hat, a Peppa Pig tambourine and book - which she loves! But I guess they have to give a good gift for an entry fee of £49.00!
They had a small exhibition which you walked through filled with lots of Christmas lights, a variety of ornaments, statues and other bits and bobs - but as great as it was Evie was still upset from seeing Santa so we kind of rushed through - as it was the only way out to get outside to the petting zoo & other barn so she could play, so didn't really take much of it in. But it was pretty.
As I said above it wasn't very busy, which was great as Evie was able to play on all the different things in the barn and the little animal part was empty to, so we didn't have to struggle or squeeze between people to see anything. Evangeline had fun on the pirate ship climbing frame, the push/sit in cars - her fav had a horse on the front (I'll insert a picture) which she lovedd! and I was gutted not going to lie, I was going to get her it for a Christmas present but didn't think she'd be interested
There were sooooo many reindeers, I think its only my 3rd or 4th time seeing a reindeer; or from what I can remember haha! They are much smaller than what I imagined, but after having a conversation with the 'elves', my mum & sister I think I may have been confusing them with mooses!
Anyway, we had a pretty good day - other than the palava with Santa, I'm feeling ever so festive.... we're home now, in our pjs with some snacks; watching The Polar Express. I'm going to leave it here, carry on having cuddles with my babies and we're nearly at my fav part of the film - the hot chocolate part
I'll speak to you all in my next post.
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