Answering your questions
I felt like including you guys a little in my Blogmas series, so decided to do a Q&A I've dome a few on my blog in the past and if I remember to I'll attach those links here -
I popped a picture on my Instagram feed/story and asked for you to comment your questions underneath or send me a DM, and I was actually kind of shocked at just how many people commented and sent me a message. So I'm going to stop rambling and get onto answering your questions!
☃ Where will you be spending your Christmas? (Christmas Eve, Christmas day and Boxing Day)
- I'm not 100% sure if these plans have been set in stone, but from what I believe. We shall be spending Christmas Eve with one side of Zachary's family, then Christmas Day Florance, Evangeline and I will be spending it with my family with Zachary joining us in the afternoon/evening, and lastly Boxing Day with the other side of Zachary's family.
☃ What is your favourite part of Christmas Day?
- I don't actually have a favourite part, I love all of Christmas Day! I love seeing my loved ones faces when they open up gifts, spending time with family, celebrating, Christmas dinner & of course snuggling on the sofa watching a good old Christmas movie!
☃ Do you have any Christmas traditions?
- I guess so, but its nothing to fancy? the only thing sort of like a tradition is we have always sat down Christmas evening and watched a Christmas movie.
☃ What apps do you use to edit your pics?
- I use Repix, VSCO cam, Phonto and Square ready.
☃ I know you just had a baby but will you have any more?
Nope...Being completely honest I don't plan on having any more children in the future, somewhat related to different events in my last pregnancy/birth; but also because I love the balance of having 2 babys. Of course if I was to fall pregnant or change my mind in the future then obviously I would love that baby just as much. But as of this moment in time, I don't intend on having anymore.
☃ What made you want to do blogmas?
I haven't been particularly great at uploading on here, so wanted to make it up to everyone that takes time out to read & support my blog; by uploading daily. Almost like making up for all those posts I could've written haha!
☃ Do you have a best friend?
Unfortunately not, I mean unless you can count my daughters, boyfriend or family? Then yes I have! I have close friends of course, and friends that I talk to every now and then... but best friends excluding my children, partner and family, nope.
☃ If you could only celebrate Christmas, halloween, bonfire night or easter which would you pick, and why?
I would pick to celebrate Christmas, its such a cheery time of year, everyone seems much happier at Christmas than any other time of the year (at least thats what I think haha). Its a pretty time to, as there are so many lovely decorations, little fairy lights and the food, I mean its really the only time of the year were its acceptable to eat your body weight in food. I love being able to spend time with family and buying my children and family special gifts. It's just in general a great time of the year.
My daughters, by far. They are my biggest, most amazing, most rewarding accomplishment. They mean more to me than I could possibly describe, they make me prouder and prouder each and everyday.
☃ Dream whip?
My dream car would have to be a Range Rover of some sort or a Jeep Cherokee... but my realistic dream car would be, as sad as it sounds - a newer version of my car a Ford C-max.
☃ Top 4 baby girl and baby boy names?
My top 4 baby girl and boy names... I have a list of names I adore excluding my daughters names (there ny favs) so I'll whittle it down to 4. For girls I would say Delilah, Arabella, Primrose and Emilia & for boys Oliver, Harrison, George and Arlo.
That friendships change, you don't necessarily stay in contact with everyone you were friends with in education; oh and that adult friendships aren't any better than school friendships, people can still be unsupportive and not particularly kind. (Sorry to sound so morbid).
☃ What is your go to quote or favourite quote?
I have soooo many; I couldn't possibly pick one out! Anything sweet/cute, inspirational, motivation or pretty!
☃ If you had to pick, what is your fav tv show/series?
Hmm, this ones really tricky... I love watching Pretty Little Liars, Orphan Black, Orange is the new black, Geordie shore, teen mom, any medical programme really.... being honest I'll watch most things, so don't have a favourite.
☃ What is your favourite xmas smell?
I love anything 'frosted' if you will, so for example - frosted plum, frosted berries.. etc.. I also love most scents that are specifically sold around Christmas time.
☃ PP update! will you do one?
Possibly, I have started working on my postpartum/post pregnancy update; but haven't gotten around to finishing it... so maybe that'll be up soon. As for the others perhaps I'll do a seperate post talking about what I eat in a day and my workout routine - and if I'm feeling extra brave, I might include some progress pictures!
☃ If your daughters had ben little boys what would you have called them?
If Evangeline had been a boy her name would've been Oliver John or Noah John - Oliver/Noah because I love those names, there cute & simple and John because thats my dads name
☃ If you were only aloud to eat one Christmas treat for the rest of your life what would it be?
Twiglets or anything sweet i.e chocolate haha! oh or pigs in blankets & stuffing balls!
☃ What are you top tips for weight loss after pregnancy or weight loss in general? how much weight have you lost since having your baby?
I think I've lost just over 2 stone since having Florance - its not a great deal to some people, but I can see it; and in all honesty I haven't actually done anything to loose I'm definatly nooooooo expert, I wouldn't really want to give any advice on how to loose weight or how I've lost weight.. All I will say is eating healthy and working out regularly definitely helps or so I've heard haha!
☃ What would you say is your secret talent?
I've never really thought about it tbh, but I'd say mines a strange one - and most likely one a lot of people have. But I hate to blow my own trumpet; I always pick babies genders correctly. I know theres only a 50/50 chance of getting it right or wrong but every person I've known who has gotten pregnant - I have alway gotten their babies gender correct, even before they know! Its strange because I couldn't tell with my own haha!
☃ How are you with everyone having snow? do you like snow?
I love snow when it first falls and settles on the ground. After that I hate it - everyone driving on it, walking on it, snow balls, ice, cold; and it just starts to look dirty. So to look at and if no one was aloud to walk or drive on it I'd love it - but in every other way, I'm not particularly fond! I must admit as much as I dislike it I was a bit jealous that everyone had snow settling and we didn't!
☃ Do you watch youtube? if so who are your most watched you tubers?
Personally I don't think there is anyone really who doesn't watch youtube! I have a few favs, of course theres the big youtube like Zoella, Tanya Burr, but honestly I watch anyone really KKandbabyJ, Rhiannon Ashlee, Charlotte Louise Taylor, Ellie and Jared, Aaryn Williams, Jeorgia Cook the list goes on! But as I said I'll watch anyone who I find interesting.
☃ What would be your dream job?
My dream jobs are to be a midwife or anaesthetist but I'm not that smart haha! or I'd love to make a career out of my blog - and you guys are helping me to make that happen! But yeah, there my dream jobs.
☃ Favourite non-chrirstmas film?
This ones hard, I love most films tbh; Daddys home, Kingsman, Mean girls theres so many to pick!
☃ What annoys you the most? what makes you happy?
I hatteeeeee it when people copy me, ARGGGHHH it annoys me so much, liars annoy me, obnoxious, cocky people annoy me - the list goes on! and my children, family & boyf make me very, very happy.
☃ How many months are there between your daughters?
There is just under 15 months between my little girlies, if Florance had been born 3 days later than she was; there would be exactly 15 months between them.
☃ Whats your most used beauty products?
My batiste dry shampoo, my body scrub, lip balm and moisturiser.
☃ What is your favourite social media?
I'd have to say Instagram or youtube, its something I use daily and I think there great. I love being able to see little snippets of people lives on Instagram and youtube - not to mention youtube is also great at keeping Evie'bum happy on road trips!
☃ Are you doing anything special for New year?
Nope, haha! Not that I'm aware of, I think I've spent the last 5 years in bed sleeping for new year haha, and I expect I'll do the same this year haha!
That's all the questions that were commented on my picture, if I included the DM questions it would go on forever... so maybe I'll do another post for them? Anyway, I hope I answered your questions to your satisfaction! and I'll speak to you all in my next post!
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