All about my girls
A teeny-tiny update
It's been a little while since I've spoken soley about the girlies or done an update on them, so I thought it would be nice to have a chat about what their doing, how they are and everything surrounding my babies.
Starting of with Evangeline; she's very almost 17 months old, she turns 17 months on the 7th December- its insane to think she's almost 1 1/2 when it feels like we were only celebrating her 1st birthday a few weeks ago! She officially cut her first 4 teeth 3 weeks ago, I know thats pretty late, well very late to start cutting your first teeth but better late than never!? I was convinced I'd have to buy her dentures and in fact she had been referred to an orthodontic surgeon in regards to her gums being to thick to allow her teeth threw - but fortunately the day we got the appointment she'd just cut 2 teeth! She'll soon have 3 at the top and 1 on the bottom as there almost completely grown through, its so bizarre seeing her with teeth when she hasn't had any for so long!?
Nursery, ah nursery...I've spoken briefly about Evangeline having some settle sessions at nursery a few posts back. Just to touch on the subject if you haven't taken a peak at that post - (Ill link it here - Shall we have a natter?) I took Evie to a nursery, the staff were lovely but it wasn't the best if I'm honest; whilst we were there, there were tiny, tiny blocks that Evangeline kept putting in her mouth and heaving on - I had to remove the blocks from her mouth several times before the staff had even noticed.. and for me that makes alarm bells ring as I don't want to put Evie in a situation where she could choke. But on a more positive note the nursery I have been wanting her to go to since we started looking back in June finally has a space!!! So we have a viewing there on Friday!
She now weighs 23lbs 8oz - so edging onto 2 stone, shes growing up so quickly! I don't think I've spoken about it on here but we are still having problems with her feeding/eating and digestion, so more medication and appointments with her paedatritian- I might do a seperate post going more indepth about those particular subjects, but as for now I find them much easier to not talk about... hopefully you all understand. But she's happy, smart, healthy and absolutely gorgeous - shes beautiful in everyway so everything will be perfect in time.
She was talking non-stop but would rather not really say anything other than gibberish now, regardless we still have a good old chat haha 
She's wearing 12-18 month clothing, some 18-24 months - although a majority are still much to big and swamp her.
Her favourite toys are dollies or teddy bears, her microphone and clock. But of course that'll all change after Christmas haha! I'll leave it here for my biggest princess, or I'll end up writing 1 million paragraphs. 
Moving onto Florance. She's 8 weeks old now, 2 months on Monday, I swear I was just leaving the hospital with her yesterday!? She's growing so quickly, just like her big sister. She's still teeny-tiny (although in pictures she looks quite big haha!) and weighs 9lbs 4oz, she's got around 2lbs to gain then she's doubled her birth weight. She's finally grown out of her new born and shes able to wear 0-1 month clothing now & and the odd 0-3 month item. Speaking of out growing we'll be changing to size 2 nappies shortly too! She's moved onto hungry baby food/milk now to, as she just loveeeesssss her milk and eats practically every hour; I have a feeling she's going to be a proper little chunk!
She's started to develop cradle cap now
just like Evie did, so we've bought the same shampoo and creams to use, I'm hoping it clears up quickly; fingers crossed! She's has quite dry skin to bless her, so has to be smoothered in E45; but its looking sooooooo much better so its not to bad.
Florance is much more active now to and loves to lay underneath her activity gym watching everything moving around above her, she loves watching baby stimulation videos and Evangeline running around! She's not to keen on bath time, although shes starting to warm to it - the complete polar opposite to Evie who is a right little fishy.
She has her jabs the second week of December; I'm dreading it - I cry everytime Evangeline has her jabs and I know I'm going to cry this time too. Being completely honest I think the whole thing upsets me more than it does the girls, its just horrible - I swear the needle is almost big enough to come right through and out the other side, there done for a positive reason so a few minutes of upset is bearable as they serve a good purpose.
I think I'll end this post here, its not very indepth but a little update; I may do 2 individual posts doing an more indepth update on both girls? But who knows, I hope you've enjoyed reading this and having a little update on my princesses and I'll speak to you all in my next post.

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